Friday, December 9, 2011

You're already home when you feel love/ I am lost in my mind,/ I get lost in my mind...


About 25 of us in our program went to Barcelona for four days! It's a beautiful city, full of works by Gaudí, which which were some of my favorite things about it. Enjoy!

 This is the first work that Gaudí ever did. In his youth he was afraid of the dark, so there are several lamps on this lamppost.
 Don't know what this building is, but the designs on it are cool. Again, it's by Gaudí.

 It kind of reminds me of something out of a Tim Burton movie.
 Those are chimneys.

 We didn't go in because it cost 18 euro. Sad day.
 This is an actual apartment building, and it costs 42,000/mo to live there. Any takers? No?
 When he was alive, Gaudí started remaking some of the roads with tiles like this. It was considered "vandalism," so the city was taking it out as he was putting it in. After he died, they realized that people enjoyed it, so they remade some sidewalks with tiles that have designs "inspired" by Gaudí.
 This is the Sagrada Familia, a cathedral that Gaudí designed. He died before it was finished. To me it seemed more like a work of art than a place of worship, but it's still a magnificent building.
 He put fruit on it. No idea why.

 This is a sketch of what the finished product would have looked like.
 This is the other side of it.

 He put in a lot of pillars to give the feeling of being in a forest. See how the pillars separate at the top as if they were trees?

 The stained glass windows are awesome.

 That Saturday night, some of us went to the Barcelona vs. Valencia game. This is the outside of the stadium...
 ...and the inside. Kayla and I were sitting maybe 7 rows from the very top. (It's what we get for buying the cheapest tickets.)

 Messi, #10

 We won! :)
 This is a park thing we went to. To be honest, I had no idea what I wanted to do that day so I just went with the first group that asked me if I wanted to join them.

 The Mediterranean Sea.
 Interesting artwork in an INCREDIBLE pasta restaurant.

 Christmas lights! :)

 This is the hill we had to climb up on our way to Park Güell.
 This was taken at just about the best viewpoint of the city in Park Güell.
 It is FULL of Gaudí's artwork. Here's a bench.

 Remember what I said about cool ceilings?

 The famous lizard!

 Gingerbread house a la Gaudí.

 Hailey photobombing my picture haha!

 This is in the Boquaría market. Look at those peppers. Compare them to the apples and pears on either side.
 A monument dedicated to Christopher Columbus and a very pretty sunset in the background whose beauty I couldn't fully capture on my camera.

 When Hailey and I bought some Gaudí-inspired jewelery, the store owner gave us free Buddhas! Mine's on the far left.
This is the famous work of Miró at the Barcelona airport.

The next post I make will be of Granada. Stay tuned.


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